Innovating Web3

Business-ready tools and APIs for secure, Decentralized applications.

Seamless integration of blockchain solutions with a developer-centric ecosystem.

Litecoin for Corporations: Digital Silver Excellence

Litecoin, the digital silver to Bitcoin’s gold, offers 70x more affordable, lightning-fast transactions with 100% uptime. Benefit from minimal fees and AI-based assistance with pre-made templates to plug and play for quick, efficient integration.

Read more

30+ Supported Protocols

Whichever chain's data you need to access, we have it indexed for you to use instantly.


Total Number of Addresses


Transaction Count Daily

$0.04 USD

Average Transaction Fee

Transforming Business Infrastructure for the Digital Age

Leverage the Power of Proof of Work to Build Robust Web3 Applications

Speed Up Development with our SDK

Embrace the power of Kakr Labs™ SDK and witness a drastic reduction in your code length—by at least 90%.

Without Liaas™

npm install web3

const Web3 = require('web3');

const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('https://Your_RPC.provider/v3/YOUR_API_KEY'));

const usdtContractAddress = 'Contract_Address';
const usdtABI = [
  // Include the ABI of the USDT contract here
const usdtContract = new web3.eth.Contract(usdtABI, usdtContractAddress);

async function getUSDTBalance(address) {
  try {
    const balance = await usdtContract.methods.balanceOf(address).call();
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching USDT balance:', error);

async function transferUSDT(senderPrivateKey, toAddress, amount) {
  try {
    const senderAccount = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(senderPrivateKey);
    const senderAddress = senderAccount.address;

    const gasPrice = await web3.eth.getGasPrice();
    const gasLimit = 21000; 

    const nonce = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(senderAddress);

    const transactionObject = {
              from: senderAddress,
              to: usdtContractAddress,
              gas: gasLimit,
              data: usdtContract.methods.transfer(toAddress, amount).encodeABI(),
            const signedTransaction = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(transactionObject, senderPrivateKey);
            const transactionHash = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTransaction.rawTransaction);
            console.log(`USDT transfer successful. Transaction Hash: ${transactionHash}`);
          } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error transferring USDT:', error);
const addressToCheck = '0xYourAddress';

With Liaas™

* npm install @Liaas-lib
const Liaas = require("Liaas-lib");
const LiaasSdk = new Liaas();
const response = await LiaasSdk.createFungibleTokens(wallet, ...);
console.log("Created Token", response);


Leverage the Power of Proof of Work to Build Robust Web3 Applications

RPC Nodes

  • Focus on Litecoin blockchain
  • Enhanced flexibility with low fees

Wallet Solutions

  • Create Wallets
  • Issue Custom Tokens

Web3 Notifications

  • User-friendly NPM Integration
  • Wallet-as-a-Service
  • Blockchain Explorer as a Service
Company Logo

Wallet Management

  • Secure Key Management
  • Real-time Balance Updates
  • Transaction Handling

NFT Capabilities

  • Streamlined NFT Minting and Deployment
  • Transaction Management
  • NFT Burning and Transferring

Cyto™ Integration

  • Smooth Integration with Your DApp
  • Efficient Asset Transfers
  • Signature Management

One SDK - Optimized for Litecoin Blockchain

  • Discover seamless development on the Litecoin network.
  • Our SDK simplifies starting, deploying, and scaling your project.
  • Offering a unified layer for blockchain accessibility.

Unlock Powerful Insights and Enhanced Analytics

Our robust Dashboard allows you to monitor your app's usage, add team members seamlessly, and enjoy a user-friendly experience, plus much more

Our Ecosystem

Pteri™ + Liaas™
Cyto™ Wallet
Poised to build on the Litecoin ecosystem?

Litecoin as a Service (Liaas™)


  • 100% Uptime
  • 2.5-minute block time
  • Robust Infrastructure
  • Proven Track Record

Low Fees

  • Minimal costs
  • Suits microtransactions
  • Adaptive fees


  • Proof-of-Work
  • Double-Spend Resistant
  • Decentralized Network

Our Partners

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